a sign on a fence at a local theme park that says 'Six foot man eating
chicken'. Next to it is a knothole that you're supposed to look through. When
you peer in, you see a mannequin of a man eating what looks like fried
chicken. The mannequin is presumably six
feet tall.
joke is you're expecting to see a chicken that is six feet tall and eats
men. When you see something else, you
laugh and say something like 'oh, you sure fooled me.' Interestingly, the park staff was correct in
their use of the English language. It is
the readers who are misled.
is why writers often use hyphens for temporary compounds. Had the staff of the park
actually wanted to say it was a chicken that eats men, they should have written
'Man-eating chicken.' Of course there's no such thing, and they would never
have occasion to write that.
example is the difference between 'Man eating shark' and 'Man-eating
shark.' The presence of the hyphen
provides clarity, the shark eats men.
Without the hyphen, the reader could assume it is a man eating shark
meat, which is plausible yet different from what the writer may have intended.
rule is when a temporary compound is used as an adjective before a noun, it's a
good idea to include a hyphen to show the reader the two words are intended as
an adjective. An example of a temporary
compound is putting the words 'fast' and 'moving' together to get
'fast-moving'. This phrase when put in front of 'van' says
'fast-moving van'. Otherwise, the reader
could mistake what the writer intended to mean a moving van that moves fast.
like to say due to my superior knowledge of the English language I
instinctively know about temporary compounds and hyphens. The truth is, up to a year ago I had no clue
when to use hyphens. Then someone critiqued
an article I wrote and pointed it out. It was very embarrassing to me. My hope is that by reading this post someone
else out there can avoid this pitfall.
My grad school advisor was big on compound adjectives, so I got used to adding hyphens. They can be tricky, though!