Someone in the office I work in is leaving in a
couple weeks and his co-workers wanted to buy him a parting gift. He's a fan of science fiction and likes
apocalyptic literature in particular. A
fellow co-worker who knows I write and thinks highly of my writing suggested a
short story I'd written that was published in an anthology of apocalyptic
stories. They ordered a copy of that
anthology on Amazon for him. What's
really amazing is, they actually asked me
to autograph it for him!
They actually thought I was bestowing an honor on
them by agreeing to autograph it. In
truth, the honor was mine. This is what
all us writers live for - recognition
from fans. There is no greater feeling
than to hold a book in your hands that you have written in part and have
someone ask you to autograph it for them. Okay, it was only a minor publiscation and I only got $20 for the sale, but the exposure
is easily worth ten times that.